Gábor Ladányi
Gábor Ladányi is a Hungarian guitarist and composer. He began his musical studies at age of 7.
His unique sound and style are based on jazz, classical music, gypsy jazz, balkan music and blues.

Gábor was a classical guitar student
of Kodály Zoltán Music High School in Debrecen where he graduated
in 2012.
Between 2012 and 2015, he studied at the Kőbánya Music Studio, where
his teachers were Ferenc Tornóczky, Kornél Fekete-Kovács and Gyula
In 2015 Gábor moved to Brussels to study of the jazz department of
the Koninklijk Conservatorium until 2019.

Despite his young age, he has already performed and recorded with notable artists such as Hadrien Feraud, Jesus Molina, Angelo Debarre, Tony Lakatos, Roby Lakatos, Ray Brown Jr., Gergő Borlai, Bruno Castelucci, Toine Thys, Eddie Conrad, Ryan Quigley, Michael Blass, and Mark Mathys

Albums:-Gábor Ladányi Trio – Dusty
-Gábor Ladányi Trio – Reborn
-KRIZ – The Journey Home
-Kökény Attila & Pátria Zenekar – Fehér Liliom
-Tornóczky Ferenc – Songs for my father
-Pankastic – Ébren Álmodom
Singles : -Pankastic – Hosszú volt a nyár
-Pádár Szilvi – Súlytalan